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Principles of Adult Behavior
by John Perry Barlow

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It is not for sale...ever. 
Hang it and read it often.

I believe it will lead to living a kinder life. 


****Click here to download an 11 x 17 pdf****

****Click here to download an 8.5 x 11 pdf****


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John Barlow wrote these 25 principles on his 30th birthday. In his memoir,  Mother American Night: My Life in Crazy Times  he wrote: 


"On October 2, 1977 I had the forehead-slapping realization that I was about to become an age above which nobody could be trusted. In fact, I’m still not sure that it makes good sense to trust people over 30. While I had no aspirations to become a grown-up—and I think we all know what that is — I did want to be an adult who was regarded as responsible. I could no longer excuse my peccadilloes on the basis of youth. They had fallen into a less pleasant category, like bad manners. I went to bed on the eve of my 30th birthday only to realize all this, and so I got back up and spent the balance of the night composing a list of advisories to myself that I called “Principles Of Adult Behavior.” Most of them were blandly inarguable, the sort of platitudes that Polonius had laid on Hamlet. Because I advocated avoiding the pursuit of happiness, this particular homily served to actively piss off the broadest range of folks you could imagine. Over the course of the ensuing years, I have done my best to keep the list posted wherever I am."


Live a kinder life.  

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